时间:2024年12月3日(周二)9:30-11:00地点:西湖大学云谷校区E10-306主持人: 西湖大学工学院 杨尧 博士语言:中文 主讲嘉宾:王建波 教授武汉大学主讲人简介王建波,武汉大学物理科学与技术学院教授、“珞珈学者”特聘教授、博士生导师、武汉大学电子显微镜中心主任。主要从事物质超微结构的电子显微学表征及相关计算研究,利用先进的球差校正及原位电子显微学,结合第一性原理计算等针对微纳尺度材料结构缺陷的原子尺度表...
Time: 16:00-17:30, Mon., October 28, 2024Venue: E10-201, Yungu CampusHost: Jianjun Cheng, Dean and Chair Professor, School of Engineering, Westlake UniversityLanguage: English Speaker:Prof. Michael GraetzelFull Professor and Laboratory Director,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)Biography:Michael Graetzel is a Professor at EPFL where he develops photosystems for the generati...
Time: 14:00-15:30, Wed., September 11, 2024Venue: E10-304, Yungu CampusHost: Dr. Yao Yang, Assistant Professor, Westlake UniversityLanguage: Chinese Speaker:Prof. Junhao LinDepartment of PhysicsSouthern University of Science and TechnologyBiography:Dr. Junhao Lin obtained his PhD degree of Physics from Vanderbilt University, USA, in 2015. He had his postdoctoral work as a JSPS fellow in AIST,...
Time: 14:00-15:30, Thu., August 29, 2024Venue: E10-304, Yungu CampusHost: Dr. Yao Yang, Assistant Professor, Westlake UniversityLanguage: ChineseSpeaker:Jiayu Wan, Associate ProfessorGlobal Institute of Future Technology (GIFT)Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)Biography:Jiayu Wan is an Associate Professor at the Global Institute of Future Technology (GIFT), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJT...
Time: 14:00-15:30, Tues., August 20, 2024Venue: E10-304, Yungu CampusHost: Dr. Yao Yang, Assistant Professor, Westlake UniversityLanguage: Chinese Speaker:Prof. Jun DingSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringXi'an Jiaotong UniversityBiography:Dr. Jun Ding is a Professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. He received his Bachelor's degree from Sh...
Time: 13:30-15:00, Thursday, May 16, 2024Venue: E10-201, Yungu Campus, Westlake University Host: Jianjun Cheng, Chair Professor, School of Engineering, Westlake UniversityLanguage: EnglishSpeaker:Prof. Younan XiaProfessor and Brock Family Chair,Georgia Institute of TechnologyBiography:Younan Xia is the Brock Family Chair and Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Eminent Scholar at the Georgia Ins...
Time: 15:10-16:30, Friday,May 10, 2024Venue: E10-304, Yungu CampusHost: Dr. Rui Wang, Assistant Professor, Westlake UniversityLanguage: English Speaker: Nam-Gyu ParkDistinguished ProfessorSungkyunkwan UniversityBiography:Nam-Gyu Park is a Distinguished Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering and Director of the SKKU Institute of Energy Science and Technology (SIEST), Sungkyunkwan Uni...
Time: 2024/4/16 12:00-13:15Venue: E10-205, Academic Ring, Yungu CampusSpeakers and topics
Time: 2024/4/9 12:00-13:15Venue: E10-205, Academic Ring, Yungu CampusLanguage: EnglishSpeakers and topics:
Time: 2024/4/10 12:00-13:15Venue: E10-304, Academic Ring, Yungu CampusLanguage: EnglishSpeakers and topics